Sweet Tea & conversation... a lovely way to spend a day

August 25, 2020

Long Lost Bits

A most surprising envelope arrived last week ! The address was unfamiliar and no name was listed above . It turns out the packet originated from family friends of my parents - long ago and far away - through a chance facebook connection with a cousin , to my niece , to my sister , and then to me ! The contents were baby pictures of me and included advancing ones until early 20's . The granddaughter of said family friends had been trying to locate those whose photos her grandmother had kept . And so she did ! This adventure spurred a search through stored photos of our own . Odd bits of memorabilia were tucked inside , including the following poem fron 1994 : "I long to gaze on dear sweet Spring and then on much-loved Summer . But all I see out yonder door is more snow - What a bummer ! Oh , to see trees' new green leaves , feel warm sun on my skin , Yet all there is , is bitter cold and snowplow's tinny din . While Winter sings to us of freezing , dark grey , awful dirges , I'll seek elsewhere to satisfy my longing , Springtine urges . Ah , sweet friend , turn to me and I on you will shine . 'Til better verses come to us , I fear you're stuck with mine ! " Have a splendid day !

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