Sweet Tea & conversation... a lovely way to spend a day

July 30, 2020

A Brief Comment On Expansion

This has been a challenging summer for weather . Normally , The Summer Girl looks forward to this season with much anticipation and great glee ! The allure of shivering through cold weather and the many layers needed to attempt to compensate is lost on me . Wearing almost as many layers to sleep in , as one does to go out and confront the world , is less than amusing . And so , the arrival of summer , accompanied by temperatures equal to their humidity percentage , is totally unfair ! One goes from air conditioned home to air conditioned car , to air conditioned stores , etc. and back again ! Where are those balmy breezes and porch chair chats ? Where are the ice cream cones shared on cooler evenings ? picnics ? BBQs ??? Sigh...all activities are indoors or postponed to the relative cool of the evening and the wise use of anti-bug concoctions ...cranky old lady...phooey... And by the way , how fair is it that the patterned cotton capri leggings proclaim my weight change ? Somehow , as I get bigger , so do the flowers in the pattern ?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I told you. Summer sucks. It just really does. Bugs, bites, nasty stuff.


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