Sweet Tea & conversation... a lovely way to spend a day

August 02, 2016

Morning Visitors

   As is my habit , the day begins by feeding the critters . The birds are first...their hanging feeder is filled , the hummingbird nectar checked and refilled as necessary . Fish are next . Opening the door to walk to my small pond,fish kibbles in hand,I sensed eyes staring at me . There , standing next to the pond,large as life and twice as cute , were a mama deer and her tiny spotted fawn . The baby scampered out of range behind a neighbor's house , but mama stood her ground . Her eyes never left me as I flung the kibbles to the fish , talking to her all the time. All mamas like to hear admiration of their babies and it seemed she was no different ! As I turned to go back into the house , the fawn slowly moved back to its mother...joined by its sibling !! Mama continued to stare at me as her little ones rejoined her...making sure all were safe , then they wandered off , tasting the neighbor's shrubs as they passed...sigh...having already "trimmed" mine !


  1. Nice to have deer visit isn't it?

  2. It is a little like the softer moments of the old film,"Bambi".
    The new homeowners are thrilled to watch and count them...taking many photos and sharing stories of deer sightings . Reality usually sets in after their newly purchased landscaping and summer flowers are devoured and they observe not just two or three deer , but HERDS of the darlings , visiting TWICE a day !!!


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