Sweet Tea & conversation... a lovely way to spend a day

June 11, 2021

New Beginnings...indeed !

Good Morning ! Well...much has happened since the last post (vast understatement !). The doctor was seen , the MRIs reviewed , bottom line pronounced and we're off on that new road ! My house was put on the market , a suitable , smaller , less expensive alternative lined up and the ensuing madness of getting from here to there continues ! I am beyond grateful for those who were put in my path to help... another indication of that Divine hand ! After 17 years , the combined and accumulated possessions presented a daunting task to unclutter...and so...The Purge began ! The house's contents now represent at least half of their former bulk...the missing bits carefully separated into Donations and Trash . The Purge continues . The task at hand is to wisely bring to the new place only what will fit , what is needed and useful , and what is truly loved... somehow uplifting and freeing to one's spirit ! The new path is not yet clear and so , putting one foot in front of another in faith is what gets us through . Have a splendid day !


  1. Hello. How are you? I notice you haven't posted in a while.

  2. I will pray for you and all that is going on. I have two blogs and I have written about our difficult September start. But August was much more difficult. Life is hard my mother would always say, you need to pray harder. So I do.


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