Sweet Tea & conversation... a lovely way to spend a day

August 03, 2016

The Nap

   The strident early morning alarm's calls of the past few days had forced the need for a nap when returning at midday . The necessary objects were assembled - the favored pillow , sleep mask , flannel blanket . My mistake , evident a bit later , was to open the door to Gabby's apartment and let her out .
   All was in readiness and I settled down to a lovely rest , curled up , cozy and comfortable .
   Suddenly , there was a persistent , warm-breathed snuffling at my exposed ear .
I couldn't help giggling . Her concern at this strange noise increased the snuffling , which increased the giggles ! I moved around enough to shield my ear and Gabby decided to get to my other side...by walking across my neck !!!   Now , ladies don't like others to discuss their weight , but my dear kitty , less portly than when adopted , is a big girl and those plodding paws were more than uncomfortable .
She was aided to her destination and tried to settle into her intended position , which included outstretched arms kneading happily into my shoulder . Not pleased with further perforations into my tender flesh , the blanket was adjusted to provide protection .
   Somehow , the proactive protective mode does not allow for blissful sleep...sigh... and the nap was abandoned for today . Of course , at the point of this decision , she was curled up cozy and comfortable...and sleep was far from me !

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